
My research reflects the different lenses through which I view my interests in people and their relationships with their environments. Each project helps me to consider a different perspective through which to understand this over-arching project, allowing me to draw from different disciplines and communities in order to more fully consider my fundamental motivation: Responsibly governing our relationships with our natural environments. As these are merely drafts, please contact me with any questions, suggestions, insults, and/or before distributing or citing anything here!

Western places: Imagination, environment, and technology [download]

Science, Values, and Western Land Governance [download]

Situations, problems, and solutions: How varying conceptual systems conflict collaborative processes [download]

The metaphorical foundation of concepts and the conceptual foundations of natural kinds [download]

Engaging diverse knowledges: The inseparability of a peoples and their knowledge [download]

Computer Generated Media and Experiential Impact on our Imaginations  [download]

Succeeding at dialogue: Talking the talk, walking the walk [download]

Kinopolitical force and environmental migration [download]

Cats as friends and our friend’s cats: Varying relationships and virtue ethics [download]

Interpretation and our natural environments [download]

Hollywood, the American West, and public land governance [download]

Values, science, and governance: The role of incommensurable orientations [download]

Is philosophy, or ought philosophy? [download]

Seasonal rounds: Indigenous peoples and environmental governance [download]

Folk histories of the American West: Environmental management and colonial epistemologies [download]

Extreme environmental restoration and its social fabric [download]

Look what the cat dragged in: Domestic cats, the environment, and socially constructed policy [download]

Resilience as a systems concept, with an application to the American West [download]

The legal status and protections of feral cats [download]

Participatory decision-making and the empty chair effect [download]

Implications of a changing agro-ecosystem on the nascent wine grape production industry in Idaho [download]